Perhaps. On most days I'm pretty bullish on generative AI.
Yet I wonder about the threats facing the technology:
1) There is no good business model yet. None of the proprietary uses make profits, and the financial supports are clearly getting anxious.
2) The copyright/IP issues loom large. It would be easy for a judge in the many lawsuits now proceeding to order, say, OpenAI to pause ChatGPT operations.
3) Cultural attitudes are souring. There's a *lot* of anxiety out there. Yes, this kind of attitude often greets new technologies, but it might have legs this time, as we've seen with other technologies culture turned against, like nuclear power. I don't think we'll go full outlawing of AI (cf Dune), but could well see a cultural split, with some people proclaiming their happy use of AI, against folks who proclaim their proud resistance.
4) Government regulations... governments don't want to kill what might be a goose laying golden eggs, and some (US, China) want to maintain AI supremacy in part for geopolitical reasons. Yet states also listen to constituencies, especially wealthy ones, and might well decide to throttle back AI. Think of mandating watermarks, more laws enabling people and states to sue over AI (deepfakes for a start), or even simply banning the stuff, as Italy did for a few months. It's important to remember that most legislators don't understand most technology.
We have to see a path forward around these threats.
Perhaps. On most days I'm pretty bullish on generative AI.
Yet I wonder about the threats facing the technology:
1) There is no good business model yet. None of the proprietary uses make profits, and the financial supports are clearly getting anxious.
2) The copyright/IP issues loom large. It would be easy for a judge in the many lawsuits now proceeding to order, say, OpenAI to pause ChatGPT operations.
3) Cultural attitudes are souring. There's a *lot* of anxiety out there. Yes, this kind of attitude often greets new technologies, but it might have legs this time, as we've seen with other technologies culture turned against, like nuclear power. I don't think we'll go full outlawing of AI (cf Dune), but could well see a cultural split, with some people proclaiming their happy use of AI, against folks who proclaim their proud resistance.
4) Government regulations... governments don't want to kill what might be a goose laying golden eggs, and some (US, China) want to maintain AI supremacy in part for geopolitical reasons. Yet states also listen to constituencies, especially wealthy ones, and might well decide to throttle back AI. Think of mandating watermarks, more laws enabling people and states to sue over AI (deepfakes for a start), or even simply banning the stuff, as Italy did for a few months. It's important to remember that most legislators don't understand most technology.
We have to see a path forward around these threats.