Sam Altman on the Impact of Generative AI on Education
“Education is certainly going to change dramatically. And I think it is forever altered by the course of this technology” Sam Altman
Over the last 30 days, Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, has been on a world tour talking with people about ChatGPT and generative AI. At nearly every stop, he fielded questions about the impact of the GAI tools on education and I organized his answers here.
Altman on the general impact of GAI on education (Indonesia)
Altman on teaching writing (Indonesia)
More on teaching writing (Japan)
Altman on 1:1 tutoring and interactive textbooks (UAE)
Altman on the importance of using the tech to develop job skills (UAE)
Skills workers will need — resilience, communication, long-term planning (UAE)
Skills (Korea)
Do you want to learn more about AI in education? Check out —
Designing Schools AI Course for Leaders Educating4AI Literacy Course