It's EASY for the educational system to adapt to the AI World
Sometimes we like to make the easy difficult
Today, Jason Gulya posted about a presentation he did for 200 college professors/administrators.
You can view his whole post here, but I think these are the key points.
Yesterday, I talked to almost 200 educators about AI.
This is what we covered:
2️⃣ AI Is Being Baked Into Everything.
3️⃣ This Has Led Higher Ed to 3 Big Questions.
► How Can Colleges Assess Student Learning?
► How Can Colleges Continue to Encourage Deep Learning?
► How Can Colleges Prepare Students for Life and Work?
4️⃣ I See 3 Main Ways of Moving Forward.
► Focus on Metacognition
► Foundational Skills + AI Literacy Skills
This is what people are tying themselves into pretzels over? OMG.
Deep Learning — Deep learning programs such as speech & debate, entrepreneurship, CTE, Model UN, etc. have been part of education for at least a century. Harvard professors Jal & Mehta wrote a book about it.
We took their approach and applied it to the AI world in a book. It’s very thorough and it costs $10. Before spending thousands on consultants to tell you how to do this, read a book that costs $10. It’s impossible to learn more about AI and/or human deep learning for $10 than by purchasing our book.
Metacognition — Debate! You can just my blog post. It’s free! OMG, debate has been promoting metacognition for centuries.
Another blog post — Debate in the Era of AI.
Assess — Grade debates, oral presentations, project-based learning. Jeez. And AI can help with that. Is grading papers that are often written with substantial assistance from AI tools is subjective?
Life and work— Foundational knowledge, specialized knowledge in an area. Entrepreneurship— There may be few employees.
AI Literacy. Watch some YouTube videos, get on TikTok, take our class, and read the news. Play around with ChatGPT and other bots.
STOP assigning 30-page term papers.
What’s the biggest barrier to adapting to the AI world? A 30-page paper that 99% of people will never write again after they graduate.
*This isn’t rocket science.*