From AI Updates to 2025 AI Strategy
Join our webinar where we provide both updates and share our thoughts on how to take advantage of them
*AI’s intelligence continues to grow
*An AI as teammates approach boosts your agency and strengthens your work
*Join Dr. Sabba Quidwai and Stefan Bauschard for a free webinar.
Dec 18, 2024 09:00 PM ET; 6:00PT.
Recent advances from OpenAI, Google, and other leading companies have produced AI systems with expanded knowledge bases, improved ability to synthesize information across multiple sources, and enhanced capabilities in reasoning and planning.
This pushes us beyond text-to-text, to text-to-action where the growth in AI’s agentic capabilities we can ask AIs to accomplish goals by undertaking a series of tasks, such as working on research, helping us complete projects, and giving us feedback on our work.
Emerging voice and vision capabilities mean we can interact with these systems in ways that are similar to how we interact with each other or any personal assistant.
In Wednesday’s webinar we will unpack not only the significance of these developments, but we will share our thoughts on treating AIs as teammates and integrating them into your workflow to support any tasks.
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