As Summer Settles, Think About AI Guidance for the Fall
As the school year has now closed out in every part of the country, it’s a great time to think about “AI Guidance’ for your school/district/university/department.
To support your efforts, we do have two free documents available.
A Guidance on Guidance. Based on all the AI Guidance and related reports issued to date, this document, which has been updated through May 2024, synthesizes all of the ideas from domestic and international guidance reports. It has already been downloaded close to 500 times.
SAUSD Guidance. We collaborated on SAUSD’s guidance document and we think it’s the best :). It is a very forward-thinking roadmap that goes way beyond AI dos and don’ts, but where there is a will there is a way.
Essential Elements of a Guidance Document
Our thoughts on AI guidance are articulated in detail in these documents but these are a few things we consider essential —
(1) Your AI vision and relevant implementation measures should be reflective of your graduate profile and any district goals.
(2) Your guidance document should be built with the meaningful input of all stakeholders, including your broader community.
(3) Your guidance document should include more than AIs “Dos and Don’t's,” as it’s a ubiquitous technology that is everywhere.
(4) Your guidance document should include efforts at instructional redesign, as Ais can complete, largely (if not entirely) undetected, many conventional assignments.
(5) The guidance document should be forward thinking to include thinking about how you will begin to prepare students for a world where machines exceed human-level intelligence in all domains (it already has exceeded it in some and has parity in others).
(6) Your guidance document should reflect honesty about the possible disruptions AI will trigger in society as well as your support for your students, staff, and broader community to help them navigate these changes.
This world is sort of here —